Every country has its own ccTLDs (country code top-level domains). Pakistan has its own ccTlds like .pk, .com.pk, .org.pk, .info.pk, .net.pk, .gov.pk etc. Pakistan Network Information center (PKNIC) has all the rights reserved about the local domain. All local extensions like .pk registered under the PKNIC. In front, resellers are registering websites with desiring names and extensions.

Pakistani internet users hope to see web addresses with a local domain name when they are using the internet or searching for something related to Pakistan. And also if you want to serve the people of Pakistan and also want sale your services and earn here, then definitely you should have a website with a Pakistani extension. You have many other options for extension, but local extension helps you more to catch the local community.
Do you want Online Appearance?
If you are living in Pakistan and also have a business here, or you are not at here but want to run your business here, then you must want to present your company in front of Pakistani people. Now, if you want all these and really want a strong appearance then you should have an online presence. You should have a great-looking website to present your products, your vision, your mission, and your plans for the future regarding your company. Now, you have charm looking website and want to launch your online presence to the audience of Pakistan and on the internet, then you should have to register your website with the extension of .pk .
Definitely, your main target is Pakistani people and you also want a maximum audience for your business, then you must have a domain with a local extension. You can register your domain with .pk, .com.pk or .org.pk . You can get your domain registration in Pakistan with your desired domain name. As your main focus is the local community, your rank could be higher in local search and in the middle of local with .pk, .com.pk, or .gov.pk domain name. But some domain names could be reserved by some specific companies or by any other institutions.
Availability of your desired Domain:
First, you should have to check the availability of your desired domain name with a desiring extension when you want to register your website. There are many free domain checking websites offering the service to check availability. You can visit the registrar or web hosting website and can search your desiring name or you can directly contact them. When you are checking on the website, simply write the desired name which you want. If the name is available then it will show on screen, if the name is reserved or already in use, then you will see some suggestions which will be related to your brand and desired extension.
What should be the Name:
Your online address is your online identity and the public face of your brand. When you are going to register your website with local extensions, you should keep in mind that your website name should be unique, as it can not be changed later. You can’t register your website with reserved names. Some names are related to some specific companies, organizations, or agencies, these organizations have all rights for their names, these companies have trademarks of them. Maybe you see the availability of domain name and also get registration without trademark owner permission, then your web address could be blocked in the future without your permission. Your name should be related to your company and it must be unique as to your brand.
Necessary things while choosing a name:
A charming and creative memorable name plays an important role to catch visitors to your brand. So, keep in mind when you are choosing a name for your website. Your name should not be more complex and too long, as people cannot remember such a complex and long address. In case if they remember, but will make a mistake while typing the address. Moreover, there are some rules and regulations that should keep in mind when choosing the name.
⦁ Name should start with character(a-z, A-z) or a number(0-9).
⦁ You can put (-) in middle or after the first two letters (i.e: pk-domain.com).
⦁ You cannot put a dash(-) on the third and fourth positions (i.e: pk–domain.com).
⦁ You cannot put space in the domain name (pk domain.com).
⦁ The name should contain maximum of 67 characters and minimum 4 characters.
PKNIC structure and Policy:
All new areas that are enrolled under.PK should have a place with one of the next second-level or third-level spaces. General rules for every class are given underneath.
.PK general 2nd-level without .com.pk etc.
.com.pk general business, or individual
.net.pk network-related business
.org.pk non-profit organizations
.edu.pk for educational institutes
.gov.pk for the government of Pakistan
How much Domain name cost in Pakistan:
In Pakistan when you are registering your website with the local extension you will be charged Rs. 1175 per year. If you are located outside Pakistan and want to register with a .Pk extension, you will be charged $24. Every registration will cost a minimum of two years and cannot be more than ten years at one time. Once you paid your amount, it will not refundable. After two years of a signed agreement, you should have renewed your registration, otherwise, your domain will be expired and could be assigned to some other registrants.
In short, if you want an online appearance on the internet, and want to launch your website with a local Pakistani extension, you can publish your website with .Pk . Local extension .PK will help you to get maximum traffic on your brand. You just fulfill the required PKNIC terms and policies and can achieve your goals.
Who are Registering:
In Pakistan, there are many resellers who are offering registration on a local base. PK domain is one of the most famous and trustable resellers who is offering domain registration. PK Domain offering many services with registration like hosting, designing, development, and many more. You can get your desire service at a very cheap and affordable price. Unlike others, we never increase our price rate as PKNIC update the registration prices, but we are serving our clients with old rates.